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Directions to Maria Droste Counseling Center, Denver

1355 S. Colorado Blvd, Suite C-100, Denver, 80222

You’ll get a credit for 2 free hours of parking in the parking lot. If you prefer street parking, turn off Colorado Blvd onto Louisiana and look for free parking along Louisiana or nearby residential streets (Jackson is closest to the office). Be sure to check all street signs for restrictions.


Bus line 40 runs along Colorado Blvd. and stops at Colorado Blvd. and Louisiana. Check RTD bus schedules for arrival times.

Light Rail

The nearest light rail station is Colorado, located near Colorado Blvd. and Evans. From there, take bus line 40 north to the stop at Colorado Blvd. and Louisiana. Check RTD rail schedules for arrival times.


Maria Droste offers two designated handicap parking spaces on the south side of Building C and one on the west side of Building A. The main entrance of Building C is wheelchair accessible, and the building complies with ADA standards.