Meet the Board
The Maria Droste Board of Directors
Demetrius Parker – President

Leadership & Organizational Development Consultant and Motivational Speaker
Suzette Gasca – Treasurer

Commercial Portfolio Manager at Collegiate Peaks Bank, Division of Glacier Bank
Scott Worrell

Managing Director
Newmark Knight Frank
Yumi Perkins – MA, LPC, NCC

Founder and Executive Coach of New Fish Coaching
Akshat Patel

Investor at Partners Group
Bragg Hemme

Healthcare Shareholder at Polsinelli
Lauren Gallanis – PhD

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Colorado School of Medicine
Beejan Mehrabani

Founder of InHome Partners & Senior Insights Manager, Edward Jones
Serve the community — become a board member!
Do you want to join thousands of individuals who dedicate time and expertise to shape our community’s future? Become a board member here at Maria Droste Counseling Center and help provide critical strategic drive, intellectual contributions, and capital resources to scale our growth so we can truly create a mentally healthier Colorado.
You make a difference
Maria Droste counseling services and outreach efforts like the Children First or Integrated Care programs help bring services to countless Coloradans everyday. Your effort to grow these services and keep the center running helps build a mentally healthier Colorado. You make a difference!
Board member responsibilities
Serving on a board is a privilege. This fiduciary role is a public service, which is core to the betterment of society. Members of the Board guide the strategic vision and plan of the organization.
Board position responsibilities include:
• Attending bimonthly board meetings and organization events
• Developing a thorough understanding of the mission, goals, bylaws, financial position and board structure
• Participating in fundraising events and campaigns
• Holding a position on one of our active committees
• Advocating for and promoting the organization
• Guiding the strategic direction of the organization
• Applying your expertise to helping MDCC most effectively serve the community
Join us! Your contribution of time, effort and talents makes a difference in the lives of so many.

Want to help the community by serving on our Board of Directors?
If you are interested in joining our board, email board@mariadroste.org Today!