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LGBTQIA+ Counseling

Maria Droste Counseling Center in Denver, CO, offers in-person and online counseling to support the LGBTQ+ community.

We provide affordable access to trained LGBTQ+ counselors, help empower individuals and help them navigate challenges effectively.

For the LGBTQ+ population, life has often included discrimination, fear of being openly oneself, and denial of rights. LGBTQ+ counseling is sensitive to the impact of these societal influences and will support you in living authentically.

We offer affordable online and in-person counseling to support the LGBTQ+ community.

Contact us today if you’re looking for counseling support. Our Access Center specializes in matching each client with a therapist that is a perfect fit. Our team will help you get matched with a therapist right for you.

Seeking LGBTQ+ counseling for sexual and gender identity issues

It is important for counselors to understand their clients’ identity experience. This is especially true given that gender and sexual-orientation identity is now understood as a spectrum and may indeed have hundreds of possibilities. 

Moreover, a person seeking support is likely processing more than just an external experience of living authentically in the face of ignorance and discrimination. They may also be struggling internally as how to define their own experience for themselves.

As such, one of the most valuable things a counselor can do, is to help a client engage in self-reflection on their sexual orientation and gender identity. Counselors can help you figure yourself out little by little. This will serve to support you on your journey with a better understanding of who you are and what makes you happy.

LGBTQIA and building a more inclusive society

The acronym LGBTQIA, an expansion of the previously used LGBT, was broadened to encompass a greater number of individuals. The current acronym represents those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning, intersex, and asexual. LGBTQIA individuals often face unique challenges that require social awareness of issues surrounding inclusiveness and diversity. A more inclusive society, after all, is ultimately about the dignity and worth of every person, which is the backbone of all human rights.

LGBTQ+ couple counseling

While couples around the world can struggle with some similar issues, there are some differences between LGBTQ+ couples and opposite-sex couples. The external factors faced by same-sex couples often affect a relationship. For example, LGBTQ+ couples tend to have less family support, which impacts them in negative ways. This is particularly true if the couple has children. Differences like this are important to understand and can require support to navigate.

The couples therapists at Maria Droste Counseling Center are trained to be attune to your needs. In addition to offering insight into universal emotional desires for all relationships, we also help LGBTQ+ couples to:

  • Understand the relationship patterns that aren’t working as well for LGBT couples
  • Protect the LGBT relationship from discrimination and resentment
  • Learn tools for providing unconditional love for your partner’s authentic self

We offer affordable online and in-person counseling to support the LGBTQ+ community.

Contact us today if you’re looking for counseling support. Our Access Center specializes in matching each client with a therapist that is a perfect fit. Our team will help you get matched with a therapist right for you.



The mission of Envision:You is to support, educate, and empower members of Colorado’s LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning) community who are living with a mental health and/or substance use disorder.


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