Counseling for Victims of Violence
There is hope. There is help.
The Survivors Mental Health Program (SMHP) provides comprehensive mental health care to adult survivors of violence who have serious mental health problems.
SMPH counseling services include:
- Individual therapy
- Crisis intervention
- Case management
- Medication evaluations
Our Goal
The program receives grant funding to help those who do not have health insurance and are not eligible for victim’s compensation to get the counseling services they need. SMHP keeps them from falling through the cracks of the existing mental health and victim services systems. Survivors of violence often experience:
- Post-traumatic stress
- Severe depression
- Anxiety
- Addictions
- Suicidal impulses
SMHP offers counseling for victims of violence to specifically address these issues. A primary goal of SMHP is to help survivors stabilize and avoid the demoralizing and costly experience of being hospitalized.
Refer a client to us
If you are a group or health care provider who knows a survivor of violence who could use support, contact us. The counseling center receives referrals from:
- Churches and schools
- Hospitals, clinics, mental health clinics, and physicians
- Area shelters
- Other Denver-area agencies
Visit our referral page for more information.

There is help available.
For more information on the Survivors Mental Health Program, contact Sarah McCune, MA, SMHP Coordinator, at 303-756-9052 x141.